With the onset of the pandemic, Dr. Alexander Hynes took the “silver-lining” approach and opted to host a series of virtual symposia showcasing phage research by our trainees. With the help of an amazing “non-local organizing committee” (below), we were able to host the first dedicated phage conferences in Canada, with 147 participants spanning 43 research teams.
For further information about the event, check out the conference site here.
With each day’s session themed around a specific topic;
(1) Finding and Characterizing Phages
(2) Infection & Resistance
(3) Prophages & Lysogeny
(4) Phages, Applied
You can find the detailed programme and abstract book here.
The strong support of the phage community prompted Dr. Hynes to host a second series of symposia in 2022, once again with the help of a phenomenal organizing committee of trainees. Building on our success and thanks to a broader engagement of clinicians, government and industry, we had a record 266 participants.
For further information about the event, check out the conference site here.
We adopted a new approach, theming each day not along subject matter, but the core audience;
(Day 1) Undergraduate Research & Education
(Day 2) Graduate & Post-graduate Research
(Day 3) Career Opportunities in Phage Research
You can find the detailed programme and abstract book here.